Dear Readers,
I solemnly swear that I will never, not ever, judge you or your reading preferences. Heck I don't care if your favorite reading material is the can of Glade in the bathroom- good for you, chemistry! Street signs? Adventurer! Also, you would be a good resource if there were ever a zombie apocalypse. Whatever it is that you choose to read, I hope that you enjoy it and that you don't give a fig what anyone else thinks. I've had a couple of brief glimpses over the last year of book snobbery. It annoys me that these folks deemed others beneath them based on their choice of books. Pish-posh. Go forth and read what makes you happy!
While on our road trip we listened to
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone and
The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie. My Beloved hasn't read any of the Harry Potter books, he's seen the movies multiple times with me, and we were on our way to a
third visit to Universal Studios, it was high time! Shockingly I haven't read the books beyond the first time (!) when they were released. There is so much that I forgot that wasn't in the movie. During the 8 day trip our niece decided that audiobooks weren't for her. Teens! What are you going to do with them?!
On to the books!

Historical setting - check. British characters - check. Female protagonist, a little mystery and ancient Egypt - check, check, check. You wouldn't know this unless you knew me in the 90's but waaaaay back in the day I was all kinds of into Egyptian mythology and my first couple of tattoos are proof of that. Anyway, this book was written in 1975 and I'm not sure how the recommendation came to me and I almost dismissed it based on the title (because I'm a ding-dong like that) but good thing I didn't, it was a very enjoyable book! The author was an Egyptologist and
very prolific author of both fiction, this series alone has 19 books, and non-fiction books on Egyptology. I definitely plan on reading more of this series.
4 Stars

Do you love the movie
The Princess Bride? Read this book. I have loved the movie from the moment I saw it. I've owned it in VHS format, DVD and Blu-ray. I haven't read the book,
The Princess Bride, but I do own it, so hopefully I'll get around it sooner rather than later. Have you read the book? This is another instance where I love that I listened to the audiobook rather than read it because all of the actors and Rob Reiner narrate it. So much awesome.
5 Stars

I pre-ordered this when it was announced because it's Neil Gaiman! What I didn't realize was that it was a compilation of short stories. Short stories aren't my favorite because I want moooore! My three favorite were the
Doctor Who, the
American Gods and the
Ocean at the End of the Lane stories. Why? Because there is already more to the stories. Again, Neil Gaiman beautifully narrates his story and it makes it mucho good.
4 Stars

Hey, guess what I read? A historical novel. Shocking! One of the docs suggested this to me and it took me a long while to get to actually reading it. Beautiful writing describing the Italian Alps and life in small villages there; New York and small town Minnesota during World War I through an immigrant's eyes. However there were more than a few eye-rolling bits where I found it hard to suspend disbelief and thought "oh, come on now". Yet I am a sucker for scenery so that helps.
4 Stars

Oh how excited I was to stumble over this book recommendation, it had all the markers of a book that I would like. It was very roller-coasterish for me. I really loved it in the beginning and then, boom! out of nowhere, it lost me due to the implausiblity. Then it rebuilt my interest and I started liking it again, trying to blow off the bad bits, and guess what happened? Out of nowhere the bottom fell out and I was left with a bad taste in my mouth. This book was all over the map for me.
3 Stars

What was this book even about? I was confused and discombobulated throughout the entire book. I loved Abby and Red, hated her in-laws and have no memory of their children. I don't know what the point of this book was.
2 Stars

A short-story prequel that, you know, I should've read before reading
Mr. Penumbra's 24- Hour Bookstore. Regardless, this is a nice little back story of the titular character, Ajax Penumbra, and how he came to own the 24-hour bookstore.
4 Stars

Hey, guess what I read? A book set in the South. Shocker! A touching story told in the not too distant past. It kept me thoroughly engrossed in the story from the beginning and it had a nice pace the kept me listening in the parking lot more than once.
4 Stars

My mother and sister have said for years that this is one of their favorite books and I'm not sure why in the heck it took me so dang long to read it! I have seen the movie, many times, but I just never picked up the book. And, like most book adaptations, the book is 1000x better. One of my favorite parts were the little segues to the weekly newsletters from Dot Weems.
5 Stars

I was asking a friend of mine for book recommendations and she told me of a book she heard about on NPR during her commute that morning. We immediately got to Googling it and it
seems like it would be right up my alley but, meh. It was just meh. Unless of course you're really into the East India Company and British occupied India, then it may be to your liking, but it wasn't to mine.
2 Stars

This book was fun. Just a good, rollicking fun read. A little time travel, a little mystery and some history thrown in there among funny characters make this a great good read! Right after finishing this book I vowed to read the other six books and five short stories.
5 Stars

A good mystery novel for all you mystery lovers out there. I had NO clue whatsoever who the killer was until I was told at the end, a good detective I am not, but that doesn't stop me from trying! I've made it a goal to read one book a year set in Michigan and this one fit the bill perfectly. Wanna know the cool thing? I know Eric, we grew up two houses down from each other. He's my fourth, actual, real life, friend who's an author!
4 Stars

Staying on the Michigan train, I picked this book up off my bookshelf where it had lingered for three years. This book was hilarious. Like, laugh-snort-tears funny. I read many a passage out loud to my Beloved because he was staring at me as I was cackling uncontrollably. But, and it's a big but, and it's why this memoir gets a low rating from me, Mr. Rouse is mean, rude, judgmental and snotty. I don't like petty.
2 Stars

A paperback that I picked up from the library for 50 cents and had been languishing on a bookshelf, forgotten. In an effort to read some of the books that had been in my to-read list the longest, I finally picked it up. I remembering it being okey-dokey. The plot was interesting, some parts were implausible but, it was exciting. I remember thinking that the first half was laid out well but that the end was rushed.
3 Stars
Parts 3 and 4 coming soon to a blog near you!
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